Sterling A. Brown

A call for proposals

The Life and Lore of Sterling A. Brown:
Celebrating Poetry, Prose, and Music

A symposium at Williams College, October 20–22, 2022

Prof. Sterling A. Brown (‘22) was a scholar, educator, poet, critic, and jazz and blues aficionado. Considered the “Dean of African-American Literature,” Sterling A. Brown was foundational in framing the African-American literary tradition, its advancement as a field of scholarly study, and for creating and inspiring discourse around folklore as a Black aesthetic. This symposium is two-fold, as it will mark the much anticipated opening of the Sterling A. Brown papers as well as celebrate his centennial graduation from Williams College.

Williams College invites proposals for papers to be presented at the 2022 Symposium celebrating the life and works of Sterling A. Brown in Williamstown, Massachusetts, October 20-22, 2022. The symposium will engage local communities, writers, scholars, and performing artists for a multidisciplinary conversation on Sterling A. Brown and African-American cultural production.

For additional information about the symposium, and to find out how you can participate, please visit the Special Collections website.