Lecturer in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
M.A. Columbia University (1984)
Ph.D. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Economics (1991)
WGSS 230 / AFR 230 SEM
Gender, Sexuality, and Global HIV/AIDS (not offered 2024/25)WGSS 244 TUT
Actually Existing Alternative Economies (not offered 2024/25)PHLH 270 SEM
Healthcare Workers (not offered 2024/25)Current Committees
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Kiaran Honderich is an Economist, with a Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts (1991) and a B.A. from Oxford Univesity. Her work focuses on gender and economics, particularly in Africa. She is currently doing a research project on care labor and HIV/AIDS in Uganda. Some of her publications include:
‘Sex, Gender and AIDS’, Econatrocity, Center for Popular Economics, December 2002.
“Treating AIDS in Developing Countries’ Econatrocity, Center for Popular Economics, December 2002.
‘Empowering Black Women’, NALEDI Policy Bulletin, Johannesburg, South Africa. November 1999.
‘Small May Be Beautiful For Some, But Not For Workers’, with Claire Horton, NALEDI, Johannesburg, South Africa. November 1999.
‘Women’s Access to Credit’, prepared for ILO capacity-building program on Gender Equality,Employment Promotion and Poverty Eradication, September 1999.
‘Producers and Parasites; The Uses of Rent Seeking’, Review of Radical Political EconomicsJune 1996.
‘From the Heavens to the Trading Floor: Viewing the Stock Exchange’s Spectacle of Prophecy’, Institute for Advanced Study, 1995.
‘Cocaine Capitalism’, in Gerald Epstein, Julie Graham and Jessica Nembhard, ed.s, Creating the New World Economy 1993: Temple University Press.
‘Jekyll and Hyde: the Political and Cultural Economy of Narcoterror’. With James Der Derian, in Thomas Dumm and Fred Dolan, ed.s, Rhetorical Republic: Governing Representations in American Politics University of Massachusetts Press, 1993.